Michael H. Schuster, Ph.D., Managing Partner


Michael Schuster is Professor Emeritus of Management and Human Resources at the Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University. Dr. Schuster is a former Fulbright Scholar from the London School of Economics (1982 - 83) and also served as the founding Director of the Employment Studies Institute at Syracuse University (1985 - 88).

Dr. Schuster is one of the recognized authorities in human resource and compensation strategy, gainsharing and variable pay, and other performance-driven compensation systems. He has completed the only longevity-oriented research on performance-based pay program effectiveness in this country, and is often cited in books and articles on the subject. He has presented more than one hundred papers at professional conferences. Dr. Schuster has published more than fifty articles on human resource and compensation strategy, union-management cooperation, productivity improvement programs and employee involvement, and gainsharing and compensation practices. His research and design of union-management partnerships is internationally renowned. He is the author of Union-Management Cooperation: Structure-Process-Impact.

The General Electric Foundation, the National Science Foundation, and the US Department of Labor have supported Dr. Schuster’s research. He has been a consultant to numerous companies in the United States and Western Europe. Dr. Schuster's clients have included General Electric, Johnson and Johnson, Whirlpool, Pitney-Bowes, Harley-Davidson, Alcan, Kohler, Titleist and Foot-Joy, United Technologies, Kellogg, Levi-Strauss, The Southern Company, and numerous others.

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