Fred Purdue, Partner


Fred Purdueis a retired senior executive officer with over 40 years experience with two Fortune 200 companies. His career has focused on business critical change leadership roles. His experiences include accountability for all aspects of global supply chain operations, engineering management (including new product development), complex corporate wide ERP initiatives, and total quality management.


Mr. Purdue served as a vice president at Dresser Rand and at Pitney-Bowes, managing businesses revenues from $20 million to $4 billion. He has served on advisory boards of privately-held companies and been an operations and leadership consultant and featured lecturer at Syracuse University’s graduate school, MIT’s Sloan School, Rennsalear Polytechnic Institute, Boston University Business School, and the University of Connecticut MBA program.


Mr. Purdue has been quoted in multiple management books, most recently by Jim Collins in the best selling Good to Great, and featured in his change management role on national television. He was chairman for both Boston University’s Manufacturing Roundtable and its Center for Enterprise Leadership.

Mr. Purdue holds a BSME from Lafayette College



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